Let’s Start at the Beginning

The Beginning,

For so long I’ve had this vision and desire to help and lead women to cultivate the lives they desire but, I would always seem to get stuck. It’s as if I kept hitting a brick wall fighting against myself for something I know I was purposed to do but, what can I do how do I get past this? I guess I need to back up and tell you who I am and how this started.

Hi, my name is Kris Koffee and I’m a mother to an amazing son, the CEO and Founder of Kris Koffee Beauty Natural Hair Care and Salon, a wife, sister, daughter, and friend but, before all of those titles, I’m a woman who has been through hell and back with the scars to prove it. You would think that with all that I’ve been through from the childhood trauma, failed marriage, lost friendships, and truly getting it out the mud I would have a chip on my shoulder or be bitter and angry at life but its actually quite the opposite thank God! I’ve always had this desire to own a salon/spa and also help women. I mean I have journals that date back 20 years ago detailing every piece of it but it took me a long time to really realize the why and how it was attached to my purpose.

I’ve had this desire to help women and girls for as long as I remember and in the first month of being a full time stylist the desire behind wanting to help women and girls hitting me right in the gut! Sometimes purpose comes from the things that you hate or dislike instead of what you love. I learned that my yearning to empower came from the things I have experience, and the things that I went through and grew up in for a long time. My life didn’t have the acceptance and the relationships or the sisterhoods that so many of us desire.I’ve had issues with finding women that I could confide in and my secrets be my secrets and not ammunition to use against me or having someone that I could trust to be honest with me and tell me when I was wrong but also love me back to right. It was hard to find relationships where I felt like I could trust the women and not be used to not be judged or envied And so I began being there for other women and very early on and having my salon that I realize what other place would you meet women of all different types from all different backgrounds that are fine and when I thought that I had made it a mission to try and empower and liberate any woman a girl there’s ever answer to the salon or side of my chair now with this this is not something that  I can fully take credit on. This is a gift and a purpose that God gave me that will not leave it burning inside of me to get out, but I can’t feel my eye was hitting a brick wall. I realize I was trying to do more of the business mogul thing and not really pushing practice like I said, and that the business mogul will be tied to me operating in purposefully first I’ve over the last year and a half I’ve been bright headfirst with facing a lot of the time of that I experienced as a child, and through the years that has been the things that have stopped me and kept me stuck And and I had to face it and I realize to that it was keeping me from really fully operating my purpose because of trying to protect individuals. Also having that feeling of imposter syndrome or you know who is this really going to help but knowing that. That it I’ve helped those up and around and they’ve told me it was sad I guess but it was really just me going against myself, because there was another line issues that had not been resolved and so I feel like God brought me to the very forefront of it to face it so I could push past it and move forward, and I wanted to things that I really really desire to do is create a community of women and young girls, to have someone to be the shoulder to be the cheerleader to be the advocate to help us really heal past the hurt push past the pain and really succeeding in life and cultivating a life that we desire because I know it’s possible  so this is my effort and being accountable and doing just what I said I was going to do without stopping at that on Facebook groups and another thing is that they still have control over that so this is my full throttle attempt at creating a safe space for black women and girls to be vulnerable to be free to laugh to vent


Believe in Yourself: How Black Women Can Overcome Self-Doubt and Build Confidence